Thursday 16 October 2014

My Facebook Account Temporarily Locked? How to Unlock?

Is your Facebook account temporarily locked ? Tips on how to unlock or resolve Facebook account problems ? Facebook is an easy medium for sending information but privacy in Facebook is become crucial .Facebook designed such a structure during which it will find out the unusual cases when an account is used over and useful to send fake regularly.When this occurs , Facebook turn off access to the account immediately .In cause of that not only hacker or spanner are banned but also simple people who actually recognize thevalue of Facebook are punished .One of my friend endure in the same way one day or message comes Facebook Account Temporarily Locked” .

Message Alerts:

Isn’t stressful ? ? ? ? 

Reasons Why My Facebook Account was Locked : 

A ) Is really Facebook providing an upgrade in the database and the account get “Locked” are saved on . Through this period ,it may not be proven to get access to the account . It may previous for an hours . If it doesn’t work , try submitting Facebook form

B ) Is usually Facebook provides identified doubtful activity and has temporarily suspendeddue to security prudence .

C ) Randomly using number of friends or sending regularly message to your friend list . Due to the which unknown friend has recognized as a fake or noted abuse . If in a build large number of people report abuse and fake then it can also get Facebook account temporarily locked .

D ) Is usually randomly to use various systems to open a Facebook account . 

E ) May be you are making Fake Facebook account with other id ( by using name , profession etc . ) 

Facebook Account Temporarily Locked Method
 How to recover ? 

A ) Don’t Open your Facebook account upto 96 hours . Then next clear cache or every thing and may it would back to normal . 

B ) Start automatic security identity process if this is identified some doubtful attack.

C ) E-mail Facebook at disabled@facebook .com . It will got 2 to 3 days for a response . It query your name , date of birth and a limited description of trouble . They probably ask you to verify your identity with a DL and passport . Next they will mail a reactivation url , assuming may you haven’t violated any policies .

Proactive Check for FB Account Temporarily 

Locked : 

Friends are way too useful and way to us , so we never need to miss it and guess one morning by getting up it found known that your Facebook account temporarily locked and blocked , it will be really upsetting .

A ) Don’t use proxy servers – As we have , proxy server apply private ips to obtain blocked sites . Through so ,it may generate bad effect on Facebook account . In fact proxies are not known to Facebook as it may effect the safety system . So , its much better to never try them . 

B ) Don’t try too many devices – Try to avoid using too many devices for your Facebook account . Earlier it not the case , it permits sign into your account from various devices . But this time , protection quality Facebook is growing day by day , soavoiding the use will really makes you in risk-free side . 

According to my concepts ,

 I think this are the basic problems Facebook user are covering right now . You have no hand to hand solution from Facebook site when task according to their concern got long time without result . Hope this will help Facebook user to get improve from “Facebook Account Temporarily Locked as it may be up-to-date with the time if any modifications appear in future . 


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